Golden Wings

‘Golden Wings’ is my fourth painting from my insects series.💦

The dragonfly is an amazing and harmless insect. It has been a subject of intrigue in almost every civilization or country. Even the word dragonfly has its source in the myth that dragonflies were once dragons 🐉

The dragonfly’s scurrying flight across water represents an act of skimming the surface of something deep below. Here is my golden winged dragonfly
that has dived deep to explore the underwater world that its wings usually skim 🙂

'Golden Wings'. Painting by Shorena Ratiani. Tempera and acrylic on paper.
‘Golden Wings’. By Shorena Ratiani.

Shorena Ratiani Art
Title: Golden Wings
Medium: Acrylic and chalk pastel on paper
Dimensions: 50 X 70 cm (20″ X 28″)


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A wide variety of myths and symbols are associated with the dragonfly.

But the most important things it symbolizes in many countries are change and self realization. Supposedly the connection with self realization comes from dragonfly’s ability to control its movements so elegantly. And change is all about the dragonfly’s ability to fly everywhere and be comfortable on water, land or air.

'Dragonfly'. Painting by Shorena Ratiani. Acrylic on paper.
‘Dragonfly’ by Shorena Ratiani

Other things dragonfly symbolizes in different countries include power, victory, good luck, prosperity, harmony, happiness, speed and purity.

There are some less pleasant symbols connected with dragonfly, for instance in some European countries people believed dragonflies come around to check for bad souls, others were calling it witches’ animal or even snake’s servant!

Personally for me dragonfly is a symbol of elegance and ability of flying up.

'Dragonfly'. Painting by Shorena Ratiani. Acrylic on paper.
‘Dragonfly’ by Shorena Ratiani

Shorena Ratiani Art 
Title: Dragonfly
Medium: Acrylic on paper
Dimensions: 50 X 70 cm (20″ X 28″)


I hope you found something interesting while you were here. Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions! My contact information can be found on my ‘Keep in Touch’ page.

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I’m excited to share my painting ‘Lifetime’ with you.

'Lifetime'. Painting by Shorena Ratiani. Acrylic and tempera on paper.
‘Lifetime’. By Shorena Ratiani.

Shorena Ratiani Art
Title: Ambiance 
Medium: Tempera and acrylic on paper 
Dimensions: 50 X 70 cm (20″ X 28″)


May your lifetime was full of oxygen and flowers 🌼🌼

I hope you found something interesting while you were here. Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions! My contact information can be found on my ‘Keep in Touch’ page.



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Infinity Flower

If the infinity flower was existed it would look like this – without starting or ending points – a bit purple, a bit orange, a bit pink. And goldish and shiny as the sun.

'Infinity Flower'. Painting by Shorena Ratiani. Tempera on paper.
‘Infinity Flower’. Painting by Shorena Ratiani.

Shorena Ratiani Art 
Title: Infinity Flower
Medium: Tempera and acrylic on paper 
Dimensions: 50 X 70 cm (20″ X 28″)


I hope you found something interesting while you were here. Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions! My contact information can be found on my ‘Keep in Touch’ page.



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Moth Time

This was my first time painting with acrylics and I was afraid a little bit, but I was surprised by how easy and pleasant it was. I loved the whole process!

Why moth? It symbolizes determination, attraction, and faith. I suppose I found some similarities to my own situation 🙂

Have look at whole picture and details as well.

'Moth Time'. Acrylic painting by Shorena Ratiani
‘Moth Time’. Painting by Shorena Ratiani

Shorena Ratiani Art
Title: Moth Time
Medium: Acrylic on paper
Dimensions: 50 X 70 cm (20″ X 28″)

I hope you found something interesting while you were here. Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions! My contact information can be found on my ‘Keep in Touch’ page.

Come back soon and bring your friends here by sharing.



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If you have a moment please visit my painting and  drawing   portfolio and look at digital art page as well.

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