Seventh Heaven

Hello lovelies. I hope you are doing well. Just finished working on my digital artwork ‘Seventh Heaven’ and want to share with you. I hope you like it 😃

Please check out my Digital Art album to see more abstract and figurative artworks as

I hope you found something interesting while you were here. Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions! My contact information can be found on my ‘Keep in Touch’ page.

Come back soon and bring your friends here by sharing 



The Universal Mind

I created this digital artwork after reading a poem called ‘The Universal Mind’. It was written by my partner Mike Day who believes that each of us shapes the Universe through our actions and thoughts. I have tried to illustrate that belief in my artwork.

‘The Universal Mind’. Illustration by Shorena Ratiani

The Universal Mind

Every thought,
Every action
Are acts of
That cannot die
Or be erased,

Their effect
Can never be
Or unmade.

Our thoughts
And our dreams
And all
Our desires
Are etched
In the memory
Of time.

Like footprints
We leave
A trail

Like stars
We shine,
Shooting sparks
In the brilliance
Of our Universal Mind,

Sending comets
On journeys
Without end.

Our universe
Is mental.

We are
The creators,
The progenitors,
The flame
And the fuel.

Remember this,

You came
From me,

And I came
From you.

By Mike Day

Space Flowers

My latest abstract digital artwork ‘Space Flowers’.

‘Space Flowers’ Digital Art by Shorena Ratiani
‘Space Flowers’ Digital Art by Shorena Ratiani

Please check out my Digital Art album to see more abstract and figurative artworks.

I hope you found something interesting while you were here. Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions! My contact information can be found on my ‘Keep in Touch’ page.

Come back soon and bring your friends here by sharing.



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Check out my painting and drawing portfolio and Photography pages.

You can also follow me here:

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Secret Garden

My abstract digital artwork ‘Secret Garden’.

Secret Garden. Digital Art by Shorena Ratiani

Have a look at details.

Please check out my Digital Art album to see more abstract and figurative artworks.

I hope you found something interesting while you were here. Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions! My contact information can be found on my ‘Keep in Touch’ page.

Come back soon and bring your friends here by sharing.



Subscribe on the blog and follow me on other social media platforms.

You can also follow me here:

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